Pharmaceutical sciences in promoting technological innovation to guarantee healthcare access
Florianópolis / SC - 11 to 14 November 2024
Culture and Event Center - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Pharmaceutical sciences in promoting technological innovation to guarantee healthcare access

The theme chosen for this edition was based on the Sustainable Development Goals, a global agenda adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015, as a contribution by this collective to achieving the goals and targets by 2030 ( 

Pharmaceutical sciences play a strategic role in this agenda, particularly about Goal 3 – Health and Well-being, which aims to guarantee access to quality health and promote well-being for all at all ages, and Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, which aims to build resilient infrastructures, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Recently, the launch of the National Strategy for the Development of the Health Economic-Industrial Complex, by Presidential Decree 11.715.23, corroborates the role of pharmaceutical sciences in the country’s development. The National Strategy aims to guide public and private investment in the productive segments of health and in innovation, in the search for productive and technological solutions to meet health challenges, to reduce the vulnerability of the Unified Health System (SUS) and expand access to health. The strategy involves different forms of incentives for science and national technological development. It gives Pharmaceutical Sciences a fundamental role in the sector and the need to organise, plan and prepare researchers, universities and scientific institutions to integrate the proposed public policies.

Core Debates

Promoting pharmaceutical innovation and improving access to therapeutics

National and international perspectives on strategies to encourage innovation in the pharmaceutical area, which contribute to ensuring access to medicines and pharmaceutical services

Development of new therapies and access to innovations

Therapeutic advances such as advanced cell therapies with mesenchymal cells (CART cells) and gene therapies and the challenges for health technology assessment from the perspective of health systems.

Developing and making available new treatments for neglected patients and populations

Investments in research, manufacture, distribution of treatments for neglected diseases and the access and care of neglected populations

Microbial biotechnology-driven pharmaceutical innovation for drug and food development

Applying modern tools to discover and scale up new drug candidates from microorganisms

The future of postgraduate studies: education and the labour market

National Postgraduate Plan, training of researchers, market and job opportunities for postgraduates in the pharmacy sector

VII ABCF IP Congress will start in

